Commodities and Food Bank

The next commodities, event will take place on 12/08/22 at 1:00 pm

Commodities are held on the first Thursday of the month

You may be given a variety of items such as; Milk, rice, pasta, peanut butter, fruits, chicken, etc. 

All food items are divided up by how many people are in your household, for example; Households with 1-2 people you'll receive the minimum of the food items.  An example would be: 1 gallon of milk, full large box of fruit, one jar of peanut butter, one bag of rice, one box of pasta, etc.  However, families with 3+ people items may be doubled.

Commodities are distributed at the Loyalton Senior Center, but administered by a local resident.  Many thanks to Chelsea for taking this on! 

The next Food Bank will be held 12/02/2022

The food bank is held on the first and third Friday of the month. These are held at the Catholic Church Hall in Loyalton CA, near the high school.  Sign up at the Family Resource Center (530)-993-1110.

Food is distributed after the delivery from Northern Nevada Food Bank.  It is staffed by all volunteers.  

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